Crafting a Vinyl Rolled Bag Handle: A Step-by-Step Guide Without Rope or Tubing

  Are you tired of the same old bag handles? Do you want to add a unique touch to your bag? Look no further! In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to craft a vinyl rolled bag handle without using rope or tubing. This DIY project is easy to follow and allows you to customize your bag handles to match your style.  Why Vinyl? Vinyl is a versatile material that is easy to work with and comes in a variety of colors and patterns. It is durable, water-resistant, and can be easily cleaned. Plus, it's a great way to add a pop of color or texture to your bag.  Step 1: Gather Your Materials Before you get started, make sure you have all the necessary materials. You'll need: - Vinyl fabric (you can find this at your local fabric store) - Scissors - Ruler - Marker - Pins - Sewing machine or needle and thread Step 2: Cut the Vinyl Start by cutting the vinyl fabric into a strip that is 4 inches wide and 36 inches long. You can adjust the length depending on how long you want your

7 Benefits of Making your own Handmade Bags

A woman holding a brown bag

When I first started sewing, I was overwhelmed by the idea of learning how to make my own bags. It seemed like such a big commitment! But after some research and trial and error, I found that it's actually pretty easy and fun! 

A great bag is a beautiful, helpful supporting character in our lives.

Bags are a great way to express yourself. They can be used for all kinds of purposes, from storing your belongings to storing them away in a more organized manner.

Bags are also a great way to organize your stuff and save money on things like paper clips and bobby pins—and if you're anything like me, those two things just sound like things that I should never have bought in the first place!

A great bag can:
  • Carry groceries. It's amazing how much stuff you can get into a small space, and when it's all in one place, things are easier to reach, and you don't have to worry about losing anything. You can also use your bag as a shopping cart if you need something heavy or bulky in the store (like frozen food).

  • Organize your stuff. When I'm traveling with my kids, their backpacks are always bulky because they have so many things going on inside them but also because they're filled with books and toys that don't fit elsewhere! 

  • Getting everything organized helps keep them from getting lost within themselves or spilling over onto other items around them when retrieving something from an old backpack pocket or purse pocket where nothing belongs anymore since we've emptied out all its contents onto various surfaces throughout our hotel room/hotel lobby etcetera...and then there's still those pesky little gaps everywhere else let me tell ya right now: We do not recommend putting *everything* into one bag unless absolutely necessary; especially when traveling outside of North America where space isn't always easy come by.

Carry groceries (and keep the plastic out of the landfill)

Making your own bags is a great way to reduce the amount of plastic you use and keep those bags out of landfills. You can use the same pattern to make several different sizes, or if you like, keep one size ready for when you need it.

Plastic bags are bad for the environment because they have a long-life span and end up in our oceans and lakes where they absorb toxins from pollution. They also get caught up on trees, bushes, rocks and other debris which causes them to break down into smaller pieces that eventually become part of our food chain when animals eat them!

This isn't just a problem for humans either! Wildlife (especially birds) end up eating these discarded plastic pieces because they look similar enough as prey items - so be sure not to leave any behind! When this happens, it causes problems such as starvation due lack nutrients from ingested meal fragments plus choking hazards due to lack oxygen supply inside lungs after ingestion process starts happening too quickly."

faux leather tote bag

Organize your stuff, so you can find what you need quickly and easily

Organizing your stuff is a great way to stay organized. If you’re looking for a good place to start, try using a bag! You can use it as an organizer and even as an accessory that goes with whatever outfit you are wearing.

Here are some examples of ways that people use bags:

  • As an organizer for their makeup or toiletries in the bathroom

  • To carry around their lunch bag (or whatever)

  • To keep their phone charged while they are working out at the gym


Make a statement about your style and aesthetic

The best thing about making a bag is that it can be made in any style. You could create a bag that's classic, modern, or anything in between. If you have an aesthetic that aligns with the style of your bag (for example, if it's something more traditional), then this is an excellent way for people to get excited about what you're doing and see how creative their own ideas can be when they start making their own bags!

Be cheaper than buying a similar bag from the store (and often just as durable)

You can make a bag for pennies. The materials you'll need to get started with this project are readily available at most stores, so there's no need to spend money on expensive fabric or hardware.

You can find the material for free by taking apart old bags that you don't use anymore—and they're usually pretty sturdy anyway! If you want something more personal and unique, consider making your own designs with applique or embroidery instead of printing off pre-made patterns like those offered on Etsy (or even better: make them yourself).

Saves you from carrying your personal items around in a plastic produce bag!

Plastic produce bags are a great way to save money, but they're also bad for the environment. They can be used over and over again, just like a handmade bag! The only difference is that you'll have made your bag from scratch instead of buying one at the store. This means that you'll be able to use it multiple times before having to throw it out or recycle it properly.


There you have it! We hope that you’ve found some inspiration in this article. We know that making bags can be daunting, but we also think you’ll find patterns that are super easy to follow and that they will take your bagmaking skills to the next level—and make all of your friends jealous!


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